...Literally, I'm seeing spots, not just on my thrifted shirt, but from my dizzying busy day! It started at 6:30am with a two hour drive to attend a meeting, I then did a training and an ITA (don't worry about what that is...just lots of fabulous work for me!)Now, I'm cooking dinner as I write the post and I'll be working some more this evening...don't worry, there is plenty Fab to go around!

As busy as I've been, I was even able to pull out some new awkward poses for you! Impressive right?
Shirt:Thrifted/Flare Pants:NY&Co./Ring and Earrings:LOFT/Bangles:H&M/Shoes:Target/Watch Eddie Bauer:Gift/Charm Bracelet:Tiffany (gift)
you are looking great those flare pants are great on you
Thank you! I'm rather liking them too!
My fav outfit so far sis!! Nice:-)
Thank you....I'm assuming Nicky? :)
This top is amazing. I love it. This is my first time on the blog, I will be back.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!
found you from clothed much :]
wanted to say...i want your pants! they're super cute!
ok im done being jealous now.
AlphabetSoup Style
Love the back of the shirt!! So cool!! ;)
Thanks ladies! Miss Celeste I love my pants too....so ya can't have em....but I think there is a big sale if you want to pick up a pair! ;)
I LOVE this shirt!!
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