Monday, July 4, 2011


For the first time I can remember we have no plans for the 4th of July. No picnic, no fireworks...nothing. This is probably due to the fact that James is working all day...and I'm a-okay with having no plans...we will just see where the day takes us.

I put on this skirt today and was thrilled with how "youthful" it is. I feel like a little co-ed or something in it, so maybe I'm too old to wear it, but do I look like I care? nope! I'm a strong, independent woman and if I want to wear a youthful skirt and feel free then why not? What I wear is about what feels good to me!
 Speaking of feeling good to me...I picked up a nail polish called "minted". Mint chocolate chip is my favorite ice-cream, and as soon as I saw it I had to have it. I put it on last night and I swear I could smell mint chip ice looks so good I could take a lick! I think the kids and I have some plans for the day now...we're going to the ice-cream parlor! I'll let you know if while we are there I get mistaken for a sister to my kids...ya know, with the fabulous youthful skirt and all!
 Skirt and Blue Bangles:H&M/Shoes, Tank,Button Down and Bangles:Target/Necklace:Ruche/Belt :I've had it so long I honestly can't remember! (oops, tell tale sign that I'm not as youthful as I look)

I felt so free and young, I had to twirl....
...and then I got dizzy and almost fell over. No hips were broken in the making of this blog post.

 P.S. Thanks to Tyler, my oldest for taking the pictures today! He was out of bed and ready for the day and happily volunteered (He also helped me decide how to style it...and now he may kill me for sharing that!)